Cable Installation Case Studies

Barclays Data Centre

Very much like a rewire. A number of shutdowns occurred.

This was due to that to the fact that Barclays wouldn’t permit you to have more than one UK site shut down simultaneously, a six-week strategy was required to carry out the necessary changeover of power from existing to new, all of which happened on weekend shutdowns when the building could be powered down and worked on safely.

Case Studies


Installing and connecting LV power and essential UPS cables.

Installing several large cables for the A and B supplies from the LV panels and the three external generators was necessary for the brand new construction of a private data centre in Gloucestershire.

Case Studies

Salford Royal Hospital

The Salford Royal Trauma Centre is a state-of-the-art facility that serves the North-West region of England. The design and construction of this project, which features cutting-edge equipment for trauma patients, was commissioned by Salford Royal.

The new LV and HV substation is located on the exterior of the trauma unit, and it is equipped with A and B critical supplies into the new LV switch room. The work was completed without causing any disruption to Salford Hospital while the cable installation work was being carried out in service tunnels.

Case Studies

Radisson RED Hotel

The Radisson Red Hotel was a very complex and unique cable installation, birth-place to the beetles. The 19th century Hotel houses a huge quantity of wooden floors, which restricted the loading of cable drums onto the floors.

All cables had to be installed from external points to eliminate any structural damage, which was the main challenge to overcome in this unusual cable installation.

Case Studies

Clayton Hotel


This boutique hotel is brand new to Manchester.

The cable riser, which begins on the opposite end of the building on level 2, and ends in the switch room on ground level, made this an extremely challenging installation for all cables that needed to go to the roof plant room.